Sunday, December 9, 2012

How to have a holly jolly Christmas Season...

There is 16 days until Christmas. I cant even wait. As you probably already know Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. Its the greatest day EVER. It always amazes me when I meet people who don't like christmas like I do. Ive even met some people who HATE it!!! They sure have some nerve to tell me huh?? When people tell me they don't like Christmas something inside of me changes. I get confused. I get irritated. I get annoyed. And I think about how I could never be their friend... To me, its one of those important questions you have to ask when you meet someone for the first time to find out who they really are... I think I asked my husband his thoughts on Christmas  the second time I ever saw him.

           "Do you love God? Do you want a family? Do you have any weird allergies? Do you love Christmas?"

There you go. Pretty dang simple. Thats all you really need to know about a person isn't it? Anyway, my point is.. My little brain doesn't understand people who don't LOVE this amazing day... BUT, Ive been thinking... Maybe its not their fault. MAYBE they don't know how to love this season because they obviously are scrooges, AND maybe they aren't participating in awesome holiday traditions??? I don't know but what else could it possibly be????

So... maybe you don't LOVE christmas like you should or maybe you hate Christmas, but  hopefully this little list of ideas will make you want to try them and see Christmas in a different light... and maybe just maybe you will learn to Love Christmas like everybody should...

Here We go!!

1.) Watch a Christmas movie with someone you love. If you don't have someone you love thats sad... call a friend, parent, lover, or grandma and watch a dang christmas movie with them. Make hot chocolate and focus on the movie! Get in the Spirit!! Here are some good Christmas movie ideas: Its a wonderful Life. Jingle all the way. Home alone. The Grinch. Miracle on 34th st.

2.) Go christmas shopping. This is something that needs to be planned. You cant just go shopping and pick up a few things while your there. Its way more fun when you plan it out. Make a whole day out of it. Have a nice lunch and go prepared. Have ideas ready and have them on hand. If you hate shopping, you can always shop online... I do a ton of shopping online too, but there is just something more festive when you physically go out and shop. Don't let the crowds of people or long lines get to you... Just go out and enjoy shopping for those loved ones. They are worth it!!

3.) Bake something. You cant tell me you don't like Christmas because of the food?? If that were the case you are more than a scrooge... something is seriously wrong with you. Bake cookies, pies or my personal favorite...homemade candy!! Food usually does the trick.

4.) Give something. Anything. You would be surprised how you can feel after helping someone in need. Christmas is more than presents to loved ones. Its about Giving in all areas of our life. Give your time to someone. Give financially to someone struggling. Give your talents this Christmas. There is so much to be thankful for and this Christmas I plan on giving a whole lot more.

5.) Have a christmas party!! This is the best way to have a jolly christmas!! Invite close friends, have good food, have a gift exchange and I'm telling you it will bring some holiday cheer!! I just had a 'Pinterest Worthy Ladies Christmas Party' this weekend and it was a ball!! DO IT. We even had an adorable Christmas Photo Booth and it was quite the hit. Heres a few pictures of our fun night:
Aren't these little invites so cute??  
Making gingerbread houses... 
The Christmas Photo booth was my favorite.

6.) Believe in the magic of the season. All jokes aside, I honestly believe there is something so magical about the Christmas Season. Christmas means so much to me and every year it takes me back to my childhood. I want to have child like faith in everything, even at christmas time. Call it what you want, Miraculous or Magical I plan on believing Christmas is the season for Wonders.

7.) Go look at Christmas lights! This is always super fun! If you cant go far, just grab some hot chocolate and drive around you neighborhood. It gives you something to do too!!

8.) Make Christmas Cards! These are one of my most favorite christmas traditions! And I absolutely love getting them in the mail!! If money is an issue, they have tons of places that can make you pretty decent ones for cheap. Have a friend take some pics of you and your family and be sure to send me one!! Its also something that is great to look back on. I love seeing all our christmas cards from over the years and how we've changed!! Hurry you have 16 days!!

9.) Put on christmas music!! If your not a big fan of christmas music go out and buy your favorite artists christmas cd. Maybe that will appeal to you more than radio christmas stations that tend to play the same over and over. Here is one of my favorite christmas songs:)

10.) Surround yourself with family and friends. I know christmas can be stressful for some people especially if they aren't super close to family. I encourage you to be gracious this holiday season. Forgive people who have hurt you and reflect on people who have been gracious to you. Every family has those moments when its not fun to be around them. This christmas try to enjoy them and put all bitterness and irritations aside! If you commit to having a jolly christmas I think you can!!

                                         Have a holly, jolly Christmas; 
                                                         It's the best time of the year 
                                                     I don't know if there'll be snow, 
                                                          but have a cup of cheer. 

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