Thursday, April 26, 2012

5 things I love & 5 things that annoy me...

Im back!!!! I'm excited because its been forever since I've written. And though I don't expect people to be overjoyed with my return, I actually have missed writing. Don't expect anything deep, clever or particularly hillarious like some of the other blogs out there... I honestly don't know exactly what I'm doing. I just know when I write I feel a sense a freedom that I might not feel anywhere else. Thats why I love reading peoples blogs. Especially the brutally honest ones. The ones where they say exactly the things you think but can't say aloud... Anyway, So thats what Im going to try and do here. Be honest with myself. I always think "I could blog about that" But I never do. So to kick start my return to blogging, I thought I would be honest and let you in on some things about me. I decided to share some of the top things that I love and top things that annoy me... I was going to just list the things that annoy me, but I didn't want to start on a negative note!!!! So lets get started!!! 5 THINGS I LOVE 1.) CHOCOLATE. Who doesn't right? But seriously... Chocolate is my source of energy around 2:00. Its my best friend when Im depressed. I don't drink coffee so it is my caffeine. I depend on it and I don't go a day without it. 2.) EMMA SMITH. My best friends little girl. She is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love her so much and I know she loves me... She makes me laugh all the time and her facial expressions melt my heart... I could write an essay on her cuteness but I will leave ya all with this:
3.) My PUPPIES. People probably think I'm nuts the way I am with my dogs, but they probably have 'human' children and I just don't care!! I don't sleep with my dogs and I don't brush their teeth, but I love them just the same. I honestly believe before you have kids your pets become your kids.. I never thought I would have three dogs, but now I can't imagine my life without any of them. LOVE them. 4.) GOOD FRIENDS. Hopefully everyone has at least one. Ive been very fortunate to have a good handful of people that I can call Good Friends in my life. Some I don't see as often anymore but I know they are still there. Im proud of my good friends and Im blessed to have such amazing people in my life. Don't ever take them for granted!! 5.) VACATION. This is defiantly one of my most favorite things. In a perfect world I would say every job should give you at least 4 weeks paid vacation... Im grateful my job gives me two weeks, but two extra would be nice ( Just saying!) There is so much to see in this world and everyone deserves a vacation now and then!! Now on to the things That can get under my skin!!! I know these are not things that will make the world end, but I could possible die if I see all of these in one day!!! 5 THINGS THAT ANNOY ME ( Not HATE. ANNOY!!) 1.) Pregnant women that say everything IS because they are pregnant. I want you to see what Im talking about so Ive put together little examples. The Setting: Traffic. PW: "OH of course there is traffic when the pregnant lady gets here!" Another Example: The Setting: McDonalds PW: "Sure, Screw up the Pregnant ladies order!!" Last one.... The Setting: Anywhere. "Dont mess with this pregnant lady today..." UGHHHH!!! See what Im saying??? Listen Preggos, Ive never been pregnant and I know some days have to be hard. I know some days your hormones are all in a mess.. I get that. BUT, I know that there isn't traffic just because they knew you would be driving today. I also know that McDonalds didn't purposly mess up your order because they saw your big belly. AND if your hormones are going to be in such a rage at all times, then please, don't go out. And don't post it on FB. Thats double the annoying-ness. 2.) People who post pics of themselves on FB working out OR post their workout routines... Do I need to say more?? If you want the world to know how awesome you are at working out go become a trainer and have a tv show. Nobody else freaking cares!! I don't get annoyed with the people who say that they just got back from the gym, or whatever.. Its the people that for some reason think thats not good enough and post pics.. I really don't get it!! Maybe these people think we won't believe them or something? like saying "heading to the gym" doesn't prove anything. Idk... It just makes me laugh 1/2 the time and I get uncomfortable reading it. 3.) The Famous HASHTAG# Why do people have to ruin a cool thing? People always over due it. A picture like this:
does not need 25 hash tags. nobody is going to look up #blondesmile #girlholdingfloweronasummerday #prettyeyes #bestyearofmylife #lovehasfinallycome #hairinpony... I mean WHAT?? Where do people come up with this stuff?? I bet if you posted a pic of an ant, someone could make 100 hash tags... not necessary people. 4.) People that laugh until you ask "Whats so funny?" Do you know anyone like that?? I feel like I attract people like this. I don't get it. I hate this yet I seem to always be around someone who does this... If you want to tell me something funny please do . I would love to laugh. I just HATE when people are laughing quietly to themselves and then start getting louder and louder and closer and closer to you until you finally have to break and say "Whats so funny?" And by then your so annoyed that its not funny at all.. Why can't people just be normal!! You know they are dying to tell you! Why can't they just tell us! GRRR. LAST BUT NOT LEAST #5 "Wait til you have kids..." UGH. This is one of the worst ones. I really just want to punch people in the face when they say this over DUMB things. How come I don't have the right to be tired?? I was up all night and Im exhausted. "Wait til you have kids you will never sleep". Im hungry. " Wait til you have kids you will never have time to eat" I need to clean. "Wait til you have kids, you'll never keep anything clean" I want to listen to music "Wait til you have kids you won't be able to listen to your music" I.."Wait til you have kids" UGH Sooooo annoying!! Your not the only person to ever have a child!! Just because I don't doesn't cancel my feelings out or what I want to to do. Im still tired. Im still hungry. I need to clean. and Im going to listen to music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Wait til you have kids..."...................................... OK. Im done. Hope I wasn't too negative !! Thats all Ive got today! Hopefully I didn't offend too many of you!!!


  1. Okay, this was hilarious. Once again, I love the way you write. And, I SO agree with the "wait 'til you have kids" thing. Ugh! I'm totally guilty of posting one of two workouts on FB though, hahaa whoops! You may have inspired me to list my 5&5 on my blog!

  2. How have I not known about your blog????? You make me laugh!! Thank you!

  3. How did I not know I had comments?? Lol. Sorry guys! Still new to this thing!!!! Thanks:)
