Thursday, May 31, 2012

5 more years...

In 5 years I will be 28 years old. Im only 23 now and I know Im still really young and I feel it! Even 28 still sounds young to me. People get all crazy when they get older. Like they are going to die any second before their birthday or something. I hope I don't get all emotional like that. I honestly love my birthday and hope I always do. People need to look at it as another blessing and another year they can make a difference or experience new things. I know Im young and I haven't experienced the pruning of the skin or the sagging of the body, but when I do I hope I can look at it with happiness. Hmmm.... OK. I just looked at myself on the 'Age My Face App' and maybe now Im getting a little scared... WOW.

At least I will be tan right??

Ok. This is actually really creepy. 

*Cough* *Cough* Now back to my good advice... You see, I know people that actually hate to celebrate their birthdays! It makes me sad. Nobody should ever feel like another year isn't worth celebrating. Even if your starting to look like me up there. Hopefully when I get older I will celebrate each birthday like my grandma Phoebe. She celebrates her birthday every night for her entire birthday month!!!! Ross kinda does that too but its more of a bribe thing with him.... "Galaxy game? Remember its my birthday month." And on and on til we reach February. But its ok. Im always down to celebrate.

Anyway, I guess we can move on from the creepy pictures. Basically my point is I don't want to ever stop enjoying life just because Im getting older. And I definitely don't want to rush it.

Its crazy to think Ross and I will have been married 4 years this August. It went by super fast!! I guess thats why people are always asking us when were gonna have kids. Especially my MOTHER. I always tell people 5 more years when they ask. But the truth is we really don't know. Our plans seem to change all the time. When we first got married we wanted kids right away, but Im so thankful that wasn't Gods plan. I guess you could say were kinda selfish right now. Were having fun being married and traveling and it would change things if we were to get pregnant. I know that. We are trying to do things that we might not get to do later. Hopefully we still will be able to, but you just never know. So for now, were waiting.

So as far as our next 5 years go, who knows!!! Im a big planner and like things to go as I plan them, but i know thats not always the case. And God usually has different plans anyway. But, I can say what I HOPE happens in the next 5 years....
• I hope we have a baby in the next 5 years, either adopting or having our own. I don't really care which one comes first.
• Hopefully we will have at least started building our next house because I really want to build!
• Hopefully my passport will have 15 stamps on it.
• Hopefully I win the lotto!! A girl can dream right?
• Hopefully I will have gone to Italy by then. This one is kind of an "I better by then!!!"
Theres a lot more things i guess I could hope to happen in the next 5 years, but If none of those things happen it would all be ok. How can i beat the last 3 1/2 years right?? Life's an adventure and the best part about it is that we just don't know whats going to happen!! And we really don't need to...

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